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Trends.Earth, integrated into QGIS, serves as a valuable tool for tracking SDG 15.3.1 and assessing the effectiveness of Sustainable Land Management (SLM) projects in mitigating degradation. By default, it employs global data on three LDN indicators but can be customized with higher-resolution national or regional data. For Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN), Trends.Earth evaluates land degradation status based on three global indicators, calculating trends over a 10–15 year baseline period and identifying the drivers behind changes. However, it cannot incorporate additional local indicators, necessitates computer facilities, may require higher-resolution maps for small-scale applications, and demands QGIS proficiency.

  • Keywords: SDG 15.3.1
  • Characteristics:

    Decision Making Scale: Local, National, Regional (Sub-national)

    Decision Making Direction: Bottom-up, Top-down

    Stakeholder Involvement: Expert knowledge needed, Satellite data for monitoring, Training Required

    Tool Type: Indicator assessment

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