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Global Network for Integrated Land Use Planning (ILUP)

The Global Network for ILUP brings together land use planners, data providers, tool developers, and members of the science community to address challenges and develop solutions for integrated land use planning. The Network emerged through the Scenarios for Integrated Land Use Planning (S4ILUP) Workshop Series, held in November 2022, which brought together the aforementioned stakeholders including national focal points of the Rio Conventions, to exchange knowledge and experiences in ILUP.

The Global Network consists of a LinkedIn group, accessible here, which facilitates the direct exchange between members in an open space and features weekly news posts, as well as two distinct regularly-occurring forums, organised by the GEO-LDN Secretariat:

  • • Dialogue Forums, held in-person on a yearly basis, that promote knowledge exchange in a regional or global context.
  • • GEO-LDN monthly seminars (virtual) in which tools and use cases will be presented and subsequently integrated in the LDN Toolbox.

Please feel free to apply for member to the LinkedIn group, or contact us at info@geo-ldn.org for more information.

For more information on the GEO-LDN monthly seminars, click here.