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Restoration Opportunities Optimization Tool (ROOT)

The Restoration Opportunities Optimization Tool (ROOT) is a powerful resource for planning restoration projects that aim to benefit multiple ecosystem services, accounting for beneficiary objectives and land use constraints. ROOT employs linear programming optimization to pinpoint the most suitable restoration locations. It accommodates various objectives by combining ecosystem service demand and expected biophysical changes. In the context of Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN), ROOT identifies potential restoration areas, assesses their impact on ecosystem services, and can incorporate spatial data on land degradation indicators to align with LDN goals. However, its effective use necessitates computer facilities, spatial data, and local knowledge.

  • Keywords: SLM, land restoration
  • Characteristics:

    Decision Making Scale: Local, National

    Decision Making Direction: Bottom-up

    Stakeholder Involvement: Expert knowledge needed

    Tool Type: Optimization

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