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LUP4LDN (Land Use Planning for LDN) is a web-based tool that empowers users to visualize and assess land degradation. It utilizes global land degradation indicators, historical data, and future projections. LUP4LDN promotes participatory decision-making through multi-stakeholder discussions and remote collaboration. It addresses the full set of LDN entry points in the ILUP-ILM cycle, offering spatial maps and statistics on current and past degradation. Users can anticipate future degradation risks and select sustainable land management innovations to create scenarios for improved land management. These scenarios translate into LDN scenarios, showcasing their impact on global LDN indicators. However, access to computer facilities is necessary for its effective utilization. Source: SPI Report - The Contribution of Integrated Land Use Planning and Integrated Landscape Management to Implementing Land Degradation Neutrality: Entry Points and Support Tools

  • Keywords: land use planning (LUP)
  • Characteristics:

    Decision Making Scale: Local, National

    Decision Making Direction: Bottom-up

    Stakeholder Involvement: Expert knowledge needed, Spatial data required

    Tool Type: Forward-looking

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