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LandPKS (Land Potential Knowledge System) is a cloud-based decision support tool that leverages crowdsourcing to evaluate land potential. It combines geospatial data on soil, terrain, and climate with local knowledge. Users contribute by taking pictures of soil and answering questions about sustainable land management practices. In the context of Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN), LandPKS facilitates knowledge exchange between individual users and local governments. It identifies land degradation status at specific locations, offering insights that can be extrapolated to larger areas. Additionally, it gathers information on suitable actions to mitigate or prevent degradation. However, LandPKS's accuracy and level of detail depend on the number of users contributing, and it requires access to computer facilities. Source: SPI Report - The Contribution of Integrated Land Use Planning and Integrated Landscape Management to Implementing Land Degradation Neutrality: Entry Points and Support Tools

  • Keywords: land use planning (LUP)
  • Characteristics:

    Decision Making Scale: Local, National

    Decision Making Direction: Bottom-up

    Stakeholder Involvement: Expert knowledge needed, Spatial data required

    Tool Type: Rapid-appraisal

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