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Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)

The Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is a widely used tool for multi-criteria analysis in natural resource management with stakeholder involvement. AHP employs pairwise comparisons to determine the best alternative and the relative importance of various criteria, even when they are diverse and multi-dimensional. It has been utilized in land management decisions, stakeholder goal identification, land suitability assessments, and analyzing land degradation risk. However, its time-consuming nature makes it more suitable for local-scale or expert-based analysis, with other tools being more appropriate for complex situations involving numerous stakeholders and criteria. Source: SPI Report - The Contribution of Integrated Land Use Planning and Integrated Landscape Management to Implementing Land Degradation Neutrality: Entry Points and Support Tools

  • Keywords: SLM, land use planning (LUP), SDG 15.3.1, Forest monitoring, land restoration
  • Characteristics:

    Decision Making Scale: Local, National

    Decision Making Direction: Bottom-up

    Stakeholder Involvement: Expert knowledge needed

    Tool Type: Multi-criteria analysis

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