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Working Group 3: Data Analytics





Neil Sims 

Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO)


Alex Zvoleff

Conservation International (CI)



Key Tasks and Objectives
Working Group 3 (WG3) is working towards establishing a federated collaborative data analytics platform to assist countries to calculate SDG Indicator 15.3.1 and assess their progress towards LDN. WG3 will support the development and implementation of big data analytics tools, consistent with the relevant standards identified by WG2, to enable countries to easily access, analyze and interpret large Earth Observation (EO) datasets in globally consistent ways, while also facilitating national data sovereignty.

In 2020-21, the GEO-LDN competition produced the Land Use Planning for LDN (LUP4LDN) tool, developed by SCiO in consultation with land use planning experts.

Next Steps
• Development of a concept for the LDN Toolbox and associated workflow, hosted on GEO-LDN website
• Filling gaps concerning the issue of carbon stocks above and below ground measurement
• Provision of data analytics outputs of WG3 as knowledge packages, for instance to the GEO Knowledge Hub (GKH)

If you would like to join the GEO-LDN working group 3, please contact us via email. You can also find more ways to get involved in GEO-LDN here.