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#8 Online Seminar Special Edition 

In this two-day workshop, we look into the SEPAL modules developed by FAO based on the latest Good Practice Guidance for SDG indicator 15.3.1 (proportion of land that is degraded over total land area) and SEPAL cloud-computing and geospatial platform. These online modules aim to provide high spatial and temporal resolution information to track land degradation and SDG 15.3.1. The tool allows customized user-specific applications and the preparation of local-to-national scale geospatial data relevant for assessment of land degradation and SDG indicator 15.3.1.


Part 1 Introduction & the SEPAL Platform 

Click the titles of respective presentations on the agenda to view or download the PowerPoints.

Day 1: Introduction and SEPAL platform

Time (CEST)



1.00 pm

Opening remarks

Vera Boerger, Senior Land officer, Land and Water Division, FAO



Land degradation monitoring: Opportunities and challenges

Sara Minelli, Programme Officer for Monitoring and Assessment, UNCCD


1.20 pm

Reporting with SDG 15.3.1

Brian O’Connor, Geospatial Information Officer, UNCCD


1.30 pm

Use of land cover meta language (LCML) and land cover legend in land degradation monitoring and other SDGs

Fatima Mushtaq, Land monitoring expert, Geospatial unit, Land and Water Division, FAO

1.40 pm

Introduction to the SEPAL platform and module 15.3.1

Amit Ghosh, Geospatial expert, Geospatial unit, Land and Water Division, FAO

2.25 pm


Moderation: Matieu Henry, Technical Officer, Geospatial Unit, Land and Water Division, FAO

Part 2 Examples and demonstration

Day 2: Example and demonstration

1.00 pm

Land degradation monitoring and beyond: The role of national datasets and the LDN-Toolbox

Bernd Eversmann, Earth Observation Advisor, (GEO-LDN, GIZ)

1.10 pm

Example of monitoring 15.3.1 using global data: Bangladesh

Rashed Jalal, Remote Sensing and GIS expert, Geospatial unit, Land and Water Division, FAO

1.25 pm

Example of monitoring 15.3.1 using high resolution data: Angola

Rashed Jalal, Remote Sensing and GIS expert, Geospatial unit, Land and Water Division, FAO

1.40 pm

Example of using in-country land cover data for monitoring land degradation using the SEPAL Module 15.3.1

Amit Ghosh, Geospatial expert, Geospatial unit, Land and Water Division, FAO

2.00 pm


Moderation: Matieu Henry, Technical Officer, Geospatial Unit, Land and Water Division, FAO

2.10 pm

Land degradation in the mountain region: An overview of the SEPAL module 15.4.2

Daniel Guerrero, Geospatial Specialist, Forestry Division, FAO

2.25 pm

Closing remarks

Erik Lindquist, Forestry Officer, Forestry Division, FAO