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#05 Online Seminar

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The #5 GEO-LDN Online Seminar on “CBAS's contribution to the Great Green Wall Initiative in Africa” took place on October 24, 2023, from 11 AM -12:00 PM (CEST). The seminar focused on the Great Green Wall Data Facilitator. (GGW-BDF) has been established with three core elements dedicated to advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on a global scale. These three foundational components are the SDGSAT-1 satellite, the SDG big data platform, and the SDG progress spatial products. The GGW-BDF has been specifically designed to facilitate data access, offer valuable insights into ecosystem restoration, and provide capacity-building resources through e-learning modules, with a focus on SDG 15.3.1. In this webinar, the primary objective was to acquaint the participants with the functionality, products, and services offered by the GGW-BDF. The presenters, Xiaosong Li and Amos Kabo-bah, also emphasized its significance in complementing the federated GEO LDN Federated Toolbox in the context of Africa.