#04 Online Seminar
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The #4 GEO-LDN Online Seminar on “Monitoring land degradation: the MISLAND platform and its real-world application in North Africa” took place on July 11, 2023, from 4-5:00 PM (CEST). The seminar focused on the MISLAND platform. Developed by the OSS-North Africa consortium, MISLAND aims to monitor land degradation in North Africa using earth observation data. Our main speaker, Mustapha Mimouni, head of Remote Sensing / GIS unit at the Sahara and Sahel Observatory (OSS) presented an overview of OSS experience in land degradation monitoring and assessment. He also introduced the practical applications of the MISLAND platform in tackling land degradation, as well as its linkage to Trends.Earth. During his presentation, Mustapha always reiterated the importance of collaboration and the need to strengthen and articulate the network of experts in this field. The presentation was followed by an engaging question-and-answer session. For those who missed the event or wish to revisit the content, the recorded video is available above.